Mid Facelift
Put your fingertip on your cheekbone, about a fingerbreadth sideways and down from the outer corner of the eye. Now pull the skin upwards and slightly back. This mimics the effect of a mid facelift, which helps improve the look of the cheekbone area, as well as the area underneath the eyelids, to make the face look more youthful.
The mid facelift procedure begins with general anesthesia, which renders patients unconscious. After that, a small incision is made in the scalp skin above the ear. The skin is then elevated to the level of the cheekbone. Another incision is made either inside the mouth or in the lower eyelid, where a standard lower-eyelid incision would be made. From here, the tissues are elevated from the cheekbone.
Sutures (also known as stitches) are then used to grasp these tissues so they can be elevated in a direction that parallels a line drawn from the side of the nostril to the outer corner of the eye. The sutures are then fixed under the scalp incision. This restores the cheek tissues to a more youthful position. The scalp skin is then pulled in the same direction. This rejuvenates the area around the outer corner of the eye. Scarring is generally hidden in the hairline.
Are You a Good Candidate for a Mid Facelift?
If you have just started noticing the ageing process but do not yet feel the need for a full facelift — which also involves the forehead, neck and jawline — you may benefit from a mid facelift. Mid facelifts are relatively new procedures that are still evolving and can be approached many ways. Your doctor can discuss which approach may be appropriate for you.
Many people in their late thirties to late forties can have marked improvements in their appearance with mid facelifts. In general, this procedure can help correct early signs of aging and “refresh” one’s appearance by restoring volume to the face. When combined with an endoscopic browlift, the results of a mid facelift can be more dramatic. A combined procedure rejuvenates the cheekbone area and brightens the eyes.
The Surgeons